Ministero dell`Istruzione dell`Università e della

annuncio pubblicitario
Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca
Via Tirandi n. 3 - 25128 BRESCIA –
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Lingua inglese
Insegnante: Elena Rocca
Classe 5B SIA
a.s. 2014-15
N° ore sett. : 3
Libri di testo:
Matassi-Menchetti <Totally Connected> ed. Clitt
« Performer » ed Zanichelli
Fotocopie tratte da «New Surfing » ed Zanichelli
UNITA' DI APPRENDIMENTO 1 : revisione di punti grammaticali, vocaboli e strutture (B1/2
European Framework)
Dalla Unit 1 del libro Performer alla unit 9
UNITA' DI APPRENDIMENTO 2: Materiale tratto da M.G. Dandini “ New Surfing the World”
ed. Zanichelli:
Cultura e civiltà : The Government and Politics , a Federal Republic, from Civil Rights to Black
Power , Slavery and Segregation, the Americans, The American Revolution, The Birth of the
Nation, different kinds of newspapers
Text exploitation: reading and writing skills
Information and communication technology: from “Totally Connected” units 5, 11, 12
The Operating system:
- GUI and Utility Programs
- Application packages:database managers, what a database manager does, how a database works,
record design, DBMS, SQL , Database inquiries
Some general packages:
-Word, spreadsheet,graphics packages, an expert system
Integrated software
 IT yesterday and today, at work, at home, at play, at school
 Digital convergence
 ICT in commerce amd at work
 IT Specialists
 IT in our lives: yesterday, at home, at play at work, at school
 The meaning of Digital Convergence
 ICT in commerce
 ICT at work
 Carrer opprtunities for IT Specialists : database administrator, system analyst, user liaison,
web application developer, chief information officer, webmaster, programmer, computer
operator, systems programmer, network administrator.
 Getting a job: search for resources on the Internet
 Resume and CV
 Write your own CV using Europass
 Application for a Job: cover letter
Clil units 5, 9 con insegnante DNL e madrelingua e ulteriore rinforzo durante le ore di lingua
The Operating System
Main function of operating system
 What is an operating system
 How operating system controls hardware
 Types of operating system
 File system
 Unix and Linux
Types of networks (LAN, MAN, SAN, PAN, VPN)
Intranet and Extranet
Topologies (bus, ring, star, extended, hierarchical, mesh)
Types of connections : wired and wireless media (twisted pair, coaxial cable, fibre-optic
cable, infrared , radio frequency, microwave)
 Property of transmission:
 type of signal (analog/digital) ,
 device: modem,
 line : simplex, duplex, half-duplex
 method (asynchronous, syncronous)
 bandwidth
 The OSI and TCP/IP models
 Layers and flow, data or packet, OSI and TCP/IP models
 The OSI layers and their functions
 Comparison of the OSI model and the TCP/IP model.
L’approccio metodologico è stato prevalentemente di tipo comunicativo e si è avvalso dello
sviluppo integrato delle abilità linguistiche .
Ambito Clil: fare riferimento alla scheda predisposta e inserita nel Documento del 15 maggio
Elena Rocca
Brescia, 15 maggio 2015
I rappresentanti degli studenti