TV Advertising as a Giffen Good Substitution Effect, Income Effect and the Paradox of the Gentiloni Draft Bill Augusto Preta Università di Sassari SIDE Conference 2007, 9-10 novembre 2007 Università Bocconi, Milano Giffen goods and the income effect • In the XIX century Scottish economist Robert Giffen observed the rise in price of certain goods (inferior goods) led to an increase of their consumption and a consequent reduction of luxury goods • For example higher chips price result in less money available for fish and therefore in a decline of its consumption. Adversely, lower chips price provides more money available for fish and a decline in consumption of chips • Giffen paradox based on income effect (as opposed to substitution one) has long been a matter of debate among economists • But, even if it can be accepted for some inferior goods, does Giffen paradox apply to advertising TV for mainstream television? Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 2 Giffen paradox and substitution effect in voice communication • In the XXI century people set a budget for voice communication • Evidence shows that fixed-to-fixed calling exhibits the fastest decline in volume and spend • On the other side, mobile voice calls display the the fastest rate of growth in volume and spend. • Consumers tend to maximise their consumption of mobile voice, even though they could save money with cheaper fixed calls • As VoIP will make fixed telephony even cheaper, the effect is likely to continue: cash is freed up for more desirable kinds of calls, such as mobile originated and fixed to mobile. Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 3 Fixed Voice as a Giffen Good 30% Change (1Q2004-2Q2006) 20% 10% 0% Fixed to fixed calls Fixed to mobile calls Mobile voice calls All -10% Spend per minute Volume Spend -20% -30% -40% Source: Analysys Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 4 DDL Gentiloni • The Gentiloni draft Bill intends to correct excessive concentration in the TV market through a quantitative intervention • The shift of one channel from analogue to digital for Rai and Mediaset with the negative impact on their ads revenues and the reduction of commercials imposed to the dominant player on the TV advertising market should release resources for other broadcasters and media, such as press. • Substitution effect is at the basis of the relevant market analysis envisaged by DDL Gentiloni Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 5 Dominant positions and remedies (1) Art. 2. Limiti alla raccolta pubblicitaria nel settore televisivo e altre misure a tutela della concorrenza e del pluralismo nella fase di transizione al digitale 1. Fino al 30 novembre 2012 e comunque fino alla completa conversione delle reti alla tecnologia digitale, il conseguimento, anche attraverso soggetti controllati o collegati, di ricavi pubblicitari superiori al 45% del totale dei ricavi pubblicitari del settore televisivo, riferito alle trasmissioni via etere terrestre in tecnologia analogica e digitale, via satellite e via cavo, costituisce una posizione dominante vietata […] 3. Nell'anno solare successivo all'accertamento, ciascuna emittente televisiva in ambito nazionale via etere terrestre su frequenze analogiche, facente capo a soggetti in posizione dominante ai sensi del comma 1, trasmette pubblicità in misura non superiore al 16% del tempo di ciascuna ora di programmazione. Le disposizioni di cui al presente comma non si applicano ai soggetti che, all’esito dell’accertamento, trasferiscono su una diversa piattaforma trasmissiva una o più emittenti televisive già operanti su frequenze terrestri in tecnica analogica ovvero, che cessino la trasmissione di pubblicità su una o più emittenti Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 6 Dominant positions and remedies (2) A new provision of the Bill will also include tele-promotions* in the bundle of commercial communications, whose broadcasting time is limited to 18% of each broadcasting hour Tele-promotions are any kind of advertising consisting in displaying or showing goods or services made by the broadcaster within a programme, with the purpose of promoting the provision, against payment, of the displayed goods and services Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 7 The expected effect of Gentiloni Bill Before DDL Gentiloni Other 12.5% Rai 29% Expected impact Other 27% Mediaset 58.5% Mediaset 48% Rai 25% Source: ITMedia Consulting Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 8 - Rich + Poor Total adv share and TV share Radio share Effect of TV inflation onto radio Source:OMD Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 9 Effect of TV inflation onto radio TV Inflation More Radio?? Competitiveness of other + Poor complementary media increases: Sat TV Other analogue Digital Scenario TV +5% Radio – 0,3% TV +10% Radio – 0,9% TV +15% Radio – 1,3% Less Radio! - Rich Source:OMD Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 10 TV Advertising as a Giffen Good • An increase of TV price causes a reduction of Radio revenues, thus proving that: a. In TV advertising income effect prevails against substitution effect b. Since demanded quantity of Giffen goods is an inverse function of income, a price increase of TV advertising will cause higher demand for TV advertising. This trend concerns especially big investors, that, however, represent more than 70% of the market. • A shock caused by negative externalities, such as the proposed Gentiloni Bill, may consolidate the power of those players whose dominance it intended to limit Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 11 The dominant players expected behaviour • Once compelled to transfer one channel on digital networks, and to reduce broadcasting time devoted to advertising [tele-promotions= commercials], response of the dominant players may be as follows: a. To increase the appeal of analogue programmes, so to recover losses caused by the digital shift through higher audience b. To increase price (up to 10%), so to reduce losses from tele-promotions Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 12 Spot + Telepromotion S < 18% Mediaset + TP S = 20% RAI = 12% + TP P CURRENT SITUATION: Quantity (Q0) completely absorbed. Price (P0) is the most efficient price for both players, as for available capacity. P0 D Mediaset RAI Q0 Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano Q 13 Spot = Telepromotion (Mediaset) S + TP Mediaset P = 18% RAI S + TP DDL GENTILONI IMPACT: Negative externalities reduce total available capacity (Q1). Demand curve moves upwards, and so does Price (P1). , Mediaset further reduces the negative externalities because higher value of slots shifts even more upwards the Demand curve (P2). P2 Med P1 Med + RAI P0 = 12% D1 D Mediaset RAI Q1 Q0 Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano Q 14 The possible effect of Gentiloni Bill Before DDL Gentiloni After DDL Gentiloni Other 12.5% Rai 29.0% Other 14.2% Mediaset 58.5% Rai 28.5% Mediaset 57.3% Source: ITMedia Consulting Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 15 Conclusion • In spite of strict legal intervention, the market for TV advertising will not change • The draft Bill acts according to a substitution principle, while the TV advertising market works following the income one • The two main players will retain their market shares • No new entrants are expected within this scenario • Competing media, such as publishing, will not benefit from released resources Augusto Preta, TV Advertising as a Giffen Good SIDE Conference, 10 ottobre 2007, Università Bocconi, Milano 16