Facoltà di Economia - Università degli Studi di Roma `Tor Vergata`

annuncio pubblicitario
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
II level Master programme in:
Economia & Gestione dell’Ambiente & del Territorio - MEGAT
Environment & Territory Management & Economics - MEETME
(academic year 2006/2007)
Director: Prof. Laura Castellucci
MEGAT aims at providing the knowledge needed to confront with sustainability
problems both from a public and from a private sector perspective. Preliminary courses
provide students with the basics of mathematics, statistics and the “language” of
economics, necessary to go through the full set of micro and macroeconomic dimensions
of environmental issues. The presentation of theoretical concepts will be coupled with
the investigation of relevant and currently debated issues. A working “stage”, in public
agencies or firms, will conclude the training program. By the end of the course, all
students are expected to possess the professional skills to become part of the decision
making process involving natural resources and environmental management.
 II level Degree in Economics, Law, Statistics, Political Science, Engineering,
Architecture, Mathematics, Physics, Natural Sciences, Arts and Literature;
 Degrees (in Italy or abroad) recognised equivalent according to the Faculty
Administrative Board upon Master’ Council proposal.
Adequate proficiency in English language is a prerequisite for the admission to the
Master Program. Such proficiency could be subject to a preliminary interview.
Required requisites must be fulfilled at the moment of enrollment.
Citizens from abroad can enroll, both from inside and from outside the EU, provided
that they fulfil the previously mentioned requisites and possess appropriate visa status.
Degrees obtained outside Italy must be sent together with the enrollment form, and must
be accompanied by an official translation in Italian (legalised and “valued” by the Italian
diplomatic representation in the country where the degree has been obtained).
Citizens from outside the EU resident abroad will have to submit their applications via
the Italian Diplomatic Representations, who will send such applications to the
University together with the Italian translation, legalisation and “validation”.
Non regular applications will not be considered.
For academic year 2006/7 the minimum number of students is 15, the maximum is 60.
Master’s enrollment is incompatible with the enrolment in other university courses.
By 15th September 2006, all Applicants must fill out first the Megat specific
application form available at www.economia.uniroma2.it/master/megat/form.asp,
then the University general application form available at
Within the same deadline, the following supporting documents will have to be sent:
a) degree certificate or self-accreditation, and any other qualifications which might be
relevant for selection purposes;
b) a motivation statement indicating why you wish to enroll in this Master, your
expectations, and your professional objectives (no more than 200 words);
c) an updated curriculum vitæ.
By 15th September 2006, the above documents must be handed in personally or sent
(via registered mail, if in Italy “raccomandata”) to the following address:
Segreteria del Dipartimento Studi Economico Finanziari e Metodi Quantitativi
(SEFEMEQ – Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Facoltà di Economia –
Via Columbia 2, 00133 Roma – Edificio B)
Admission to Master MEGAT is subject to the Administrative Board’s evaluation of the
candidate’s academic standing, curriculum vitae and English proficiency.
The list of applicants admitted to the programme will be posted on website
www.economia.uniroma2.it/master/megat by 22 nd September 2006.
Courses will start on 29th September 2006.
* once connected to http://delphi.uniroma2.it :
1. select progressively:
“Concorsi Riconoscimenti Selezioni” – “Concorsi/riconoscimenti” – “Inizia la
procedura di iscrizione al concorso” – “Concorsi Corsi di Perfezionamento, Master” –
“Facoltà di Economia” – “Master in Economia e Gestione dell’Ambiente e del
Territorio” (Master code “PEA”).
2. Fill in the University general application form (within 15 th September 2006). When
the application form is completed you will be given on line a CTRL code. Please take
note of it before printing it. It will be helpful to solve inconvenients which may arise.
3. Within 15 th September 2006, hand in the application form duly signed or send it by
registered mail (“raccomandata”) at the following address:
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Segreteria Corsi di Perfezionamento e
Master universitari – Via Orazio Raimondo 18 – 00173 Roma.
Accepted Applicants should enroll by 2nd October 2006, via Internet or through the selfservice terminals at the Faculty of Economics, by following the on-line procedure
described below:
1) For applicants in possession of an Italian fiscal code (“codice fiscale”) fill out the
registration form on the following University website:
http://delphi.uniroma2.it/totemhome/jsp/index.jsp “voglio immatricolarmi” and then
“Ho superato il test di accesso” > “Inizia la procedura di immatricolazione” > Corsi di
perfezionamento” > “Facoltà di Economia” > “Master in Economia e Gestione
dell’Ambiente e del Territorio”;
2) fill out the application form. At the end of the registration procedure, a code named
CTRL will show up on the computer screen which must be noted down before printing
the application form and the payment slip (“bollettino”). This code will help to solve
any inconveniences which may occur in the future;
3) print the completed registration form and the payment slip for the first installment of
1.764,62 Euros, including 14,62 Euros of Government taxes (write course code PEA);
4) make the payment at any Banca di Roma branch in Italy;
5) go on-line again and complete the confirmation of payment by filling in the payment
codes (CTRL – AUTH) given by the bank; in order to be definitively enrolled, it is
strictly necessary to accomplish point 5.
6) deliver or mail the documents (printed registration form, the payment receipt and a
photocopy of a valid ID document) by registered mail with return slip (“raccomandata
con ricevuta di ritorno”), to the:
Segreteria Corsi di Perfezionamento e Master universitari – Via Orazio Raimondo 18 –
00173 ROMA (Opening hours of the Secretariat for Master courses, Segreteria dei corsi
di perfezionamento, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9 to 12 and in the
afternoon on Wednesdays from 15 to 17).
A copy of the payment receipt must be sent, by mail or fax to: Dipartimento Studi
Economico Finanziari e Metodi Quantitativi (SEFEMEQ) – Università degli Studi di
Roma “Tor Vergata” – Facoltà di Economia – Via Columbia 2, 00133 Roma
- Tel. +39 06 7259 5915 - Fax +39 06 204 0219.
Payment of the second installment (1.750,00 euros) must be carried out, using the same
procedure, by 15th March 2007.
Enrollment to single modules
The possibility of enrollment to single study modules is envisaged on condition that the
pre-requisites for entry to the Master’s course are met.
The fees for study modules are 215,00 Euros for each study module. Payment for single
modules must be carried out, using the same procedure as for the full Master enrollment
(see above).
Faculty of Economics - Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Via Columbia 2 - 00133 Roma
11 months (one academic year)
Master in Economia e Gestione dell’Ambiente e del Territorio – MEGAT
(Master of Environment & Territory Management & Economics – MEETME)
Via Columbia 2 - 00133 Roma
Dr. Germana Bottone ([email protected]) tel. +39 06 7158 4468
(tuesday: h. 15 – 20)
Dr. Alessio D’Amato ([email protected]) tel. +39 06 7259 5927
(friday: h. 14 – 17)
Avv. Luciana Delfini ([email protected]) tel +39 06 7259 5542
(monday: h. 10 – 15)
Fax +39 06 204 0219
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.economia.uniroma2.it/master/megat