Subject (Materia) Faculty (Facoltà) Course of study (Corso di Laurea) Teacher (Docente) Contacts (Coordinate) Workload (Durata del Corso in ore) Credits (Crediti CFU) Pre-requisites (Pre requisiti) Course Description (Descrizione del Corso) Molecular biology Mathemathical, Physical and Natural Sciences Marine Biology and Ecology Prof. Giovanni Musci Address (indirizzo): Dept of Microbiological Genetic and Molecular Sciences, Salita Sperone 31, 98166 Messina Phone (telefono): 0039 090 6765194 Fax: 0039 090 392733 E-Mail: [email protected] 72 7 none Structure of nucleic acids DNA structure, the double helix (A, B, Z). Physico-chemical properties of DNA: viscosity, density, effects of temperature on secondary structure. DNA denaturation and renaturation. Structure and physico-chemical properties of RNAs. Genome organization, methids of investigation of highly repeated sequences. Topology of DNA. Topoisomerases of type I and II. Chromatin structure. 6 h theory 0 h class practice 0 h laboratory practice DNA replication and repair DNA replication. Replicative fork. Replicons. Enzymes involved in DNA replication and repair. 10 h theory 4 h class practice 2 h laboratory practice Gene expression Structure and properties of procaryotic RNA polymerase. Analysis of procaryotic promoters. Termination of transcription. Eucaryotic RNA polymerases (RNA polymerases I, II, III).Eucaryotic promoters. Regulation of eucaryotic transcription. Basal transcription, enhancers, UAS and transcription factors. Structure and biosynthesis of tRNA and of ribosomal RNAs. Messenger RNA in procaryotes and eucaryotes. mRNA maturation in eucaryotes: capping, polyadenylation and splicing.. Ribozymes. Protein synthesis. Genetic code. Translational and post-translational regulation. 16 h theory 2 h class practice 0 h laboratory practice Recombinant DNA Tecniques of recombiant DNA. DNA-modifying enzymes. Restricion endonucleases. Cloning vectors. Cloning protocols. Genomic and cDNA libraries. Screening of libreries. Southern and Northern blot techniques. Gene expression in heterologous systems. DNA amplification (PCR). 8 h theory 10 h class practice 14 h laboratory practice Structure of the assessment Written (Scritto) Oral (Orale) (Modalità dell’esame) Bibliography (Testi adottati) Further information (Note) M. Singer e P. Berg: Geni e Genomi, Zanichelli. B. Lewin, Genes VI, Zanichelli J. Darnell, H. Lodish e D. Baltimore: Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli. S. Wolfe, Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare, EdiSes.