ERICA VILLA CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Born: Citizenship: Address: Reggio Emilia, Italy on July 10, 1951 Italian Home: Via Vignolese 1047/9, 41100 Modena, Italy Work: Department of Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Unit, University of Modena Policlinico, Via del Pozzo 71, 41100 Modena, Italy phone: ++39-59-4224359 fax: ++39-59-4224363 e-mail: [email protected] 1969-1975: Medical Student at the University of Modena; 1970-1972: intern the Institute of General Pathology; 1972-1975: intern in the Institute of Internal Medicine; 1975: Medical degree at the University of Modena summa cum Laude; 1978-1979: Fellowship of the Anna Villa Rusconi Foundation at the Liver Unit. King’s College Hospital, London, for research on latent HBV infection; 1979: Internship at the Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Modena; 1981: fellowship of the Italian Research Council for an additional year at the Liver Unit. King’s College Hospital, London; 1981-1991: Hospital Assistant at the Gastroenterology Department in Modena; 1983: 3 months stage at the Unitè de Genie genetique, directed by Pierre Tiollais at the Institut Pasteur in Paris for research on molecular biology of the hepatitis viruses; 1990: elected in the Governing Board of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver; 1992: becomes Associate Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Modena. 1994: member of the commission of on molecular biology of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF). 1996: a) Responsible for VRQ of the Gastroenterology Unit. 1997: a) Obtains a fellowship for senior researchers of the Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC) as a Visiting Professor at the Gastroenterology Unit, La Jolla, UCSD, USA. b) Gets the chair of “Gastroenterology” for Dieticians. c) become director of fellowship program in Gastroenterology. 1998: a) Coordinator of research group on HCC of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology (SIGE) b) member of the teaching committee of AISF. 1999: a) Director of Programme in “Diagnostica molecolare Gastroenterologica” c) As a RAQ (responsible for quality) obtains certificate ISO 9002 (Enti certificatori: Cermet e Certimedica) for the Gastroenterology Unit. b) Gets the chair of Physiopathology for Biotecnology Course. 2000: a) becomes Coordinator of the study group “Biologia Molecolare in Gastroenterologia” of the National Academy in Medicine; b) becomes Physician in charge of the Liver and Multivisceral Transplant Centre in Modena; c) becomes Member of the Technical Commission on Liver Transplant of the County. 2001: Nominated in the Commission of Ministry of Health on “National Scientific Research” 2002: a) Nominated in the Ethical Committee of OMGE (World GastroEnterological Organisation). b) Becomes Full Professor of Gastroenterology. 2003: a) from July on, Chief of the Gastroenterology Unit, University of Modena 2 ORGANIZATION: Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Gastroenterology of the Department of Internal Medicine Director of the Post-doc School of Gastroenterology. Director of the Molecular biological Laboratory of Gastroenterology Director of of the Medical Library of the University (2002- ) POST-DOCTORAL DEGREES 1978: Gastroenterology, University of Modena 1984: Immunology, University of Milan MEMBERSHIPS: AISF: Italian Association for the Study of the Liver SIGE: Italian Society of Gastroenterology EASL: European Association for the Study of the Liver AACR: American Association for Cancer Research TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1980-1992: Subject: “Nutrition “; Post-doc school of Gastroenterology 1992-1998: Subject “Liver physiopathology” Post-doc school of Gastroenterology 1992-1998: Subject ”Gastroenterology”, Faculty of Dental Medicine 1992-1998: Subject ”Gastroenterology”, Faculty of Medicine RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PERSONAL PROJECTS: 1981, 1982: Program on “Antigen of the liver membrane and HBV infection”; grant of the Univ. of Modena; 1983,1984: Program on “Natural history of HBV infection”, grant of the Univ. of Modena; 1984, 1985,1986: Program on “Estrogen receptors of human liver and relationship with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma”, grant of the Univ. of Modena; 1985;1986: Program on “Liver estrogen receptors in human normal and neoplastic liver” granted by Italian Association for Cancer Research; 1987,1988,1989: Program on “Role of HBV in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma” granted by the Italian Association for Cancer Research; 1989,1990,1991: Program on Role of oncogenes in the colon carcinogenesis” grant of the Univ. of Modena; 1990, 1991,1992: Program on “Role of HBV and HCV in liver carcinogenesis” grant of the Italian Association for Cancer Research; 1990-1995: Program on “Role of mutant HBV viruses and of HCV in development of liver disease” grant of the Ministry of Health; 1991-1993: Program on “Screening of colorectal cancer with molecular-biological markers in stool” grant of Regione Emilia-Romagna; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996: Program on “Variant liver estrogen receptors” grant of the Univ. of Modena. 1995: Program 40% “Variant liver estrogen receptors in chronic liver disease” 1995, 1996: Finanziamento del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (40%) "Studio dei mutanti del virus dell'epatite B" . 1996: Grant from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità for the programme “Neutralizing antibodies against HCV: OLT as an experimental model” 1997: Renewal of the ISS grant (PI). 3 1997: Grant from the MURST for the programme “Latent viral hepatotropic infections”. 1998: Grant from the Azienda Ospedaliera di Modena fot the programme: Inoperable HCC: new therapeutic possibilities” (PI). 1998: Grant from the Italian Association for Cancer Research: “Characterization fo the variant liver ER (orphan receptor) in the PPAR mouse model of HCC” (PI). 1999: Grant from the MURST for the programme “Ricadute terapeutiche delle mutazioni genomiche dell’HBV. (PI) 1999: a) Renewal of AIRC grant AIRC “ Characterization of liver variant 5 ER in the PPAR rat model of HCC and comparison with the human counterpart” (PI). b) University of Modena (ex60%) for the project “Il recettore epatico degli estrogeni 5: suo possibile ruolo come recettore orfano”. (PI). c) Grant MURST for the programme “RICADUTE TERAPEUTICHE DELLE MUTAZIONI GENOMICHE DEL VIRUS DELL'EPATITE B (HBV) NEL MODELLO SPERIMENTALE DEL PAZIENTE IMMUNOSOPPRESSO” (PI). 2000: a) University of Modena (ex60%) for the project “Studio dei recettori beta per gli estrogeni a livello del fegato umano normale e con patologia epatica cronica”. (PI). b) Grant MURST 2000 (National Coordinator) for the project “Influenze reciproche dei recettori steroidei sessuali e delle infezioni virali epatotrope sui meccanismi di proliferazione ed apoptosi nella carcinogenesi epatica umana” . 2002: Head of one of the Local Res Unit of the FIRB (Funds for Baisc Research) coordinated by . Ferruccio Bonino 2003: a) Fund by Associazione Italiana per la ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC): ANALYSIS OF MOLECULAR EFFECTS OF GENISTEIN ON DEVELOPMENT OF HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA IN HBV TRANSGENIC MICE b) Fund by MURST 2003 as National Coordinator for the programme: Role of estrogen receptors in HCC. 2004: participating to the Local Unit for Fund MURST 2004, Local corrdinator Dott. A ferrari, for the programme: “Liver regeneration: a proteomic studi in a model of partial hepatoectomy”. 2005: Funding from the Murst 2005 to Lab for the programme: Zebrafish as a new model system to study the role of sexual steroid hormones on embryonic liver development and hepatic carcinogenesis. LANGUAGE SKILLS English, good German,, good French, average RESEARCH FIELDS 1. Liver physiopatology - alcohol metabolism - drug metabolism - experimental cholestasis 2. Clinical epidemiology - benign intrahepatic cholestasis -.epidemiology of I.B.D. - nutrition and viral liver diseases - colorectal polyps and cancer 4 3. Controlled clinical trials - viral chronic hepatitis - primary biliary cirrhosis - liver cirrhosis 4. Molecular biology - Viral hepatitis - Estrogen receptors - Hepatic carcinogenesis - Colorectal carcinogenesis 5 FULL PAPERS 1. F Wewalka, S Hadziyannis, FX Pesendorfer, B Dragosics, W Base Tra gli autori: E Villa OMGE : Study on prevalence of HBsAg in different liver diseases. Scand.J.Gastroenterol. 1979; suppl. 56: 55-68 2. E Villa, B Portmann, ALWF Eddleston, R Williams. Evidence for hepatitis B and other virus infection in HBsAg-negative chronic active hepatitis. Dig. Dis.Sci. 1980; 25:347-350. 3. A Manenti, F Manenti, E Villa et al. Complications de la laparoscopie: experience sur 6563 observations. Acta endoscopica 1980; 10:373-380. 4. E Villa ,A Theodossi, B Portmann et al. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection in two patients with immunofluorescent studies of liver tissue. Gastroenterology, 1981; 80:1048-1053. 5. E Villa , R Cartolari, S Bellentani et al. HBV markers on dried blood spots: a new tool for epidemiological research. J.Clin.Pathol. 1981; 4:809-812. 6. S Bellentani, A Ferrari, E Villa, F Manenti . Study of the long term effects of selective biliary obstruction (SBO).Res.Exp.Med. 1981; 178: 229-235. 7. E Villa , L Rubbiani, T Barchi et al. Susceptibility of chronic symptomless carriers to ethanolinduced hepatic damage. Lancet 1982; 2:1243-1244. 8. L Pagliaro et al.: - Tra gli autori : E Villa. Alcohol and HBV infection as riska factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy: a multicentri controlle study. Hepatogastroenterol. 1983; 30:121-130. 9. E Villa ,I Ferretti, C Pasquinelli, et al. Failure of HBIG to protect against nonA,nonB needlestick hepatitis. Develop.Biol.Standard. 1983; 54: 549-550. 10. E Villa, L Rubbiani, T Barchi, I Ferretti, F Manenti . Fulminant onset of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Dig.Dis.Sci. 1983; 28: 381. 11. E Villa, C Pasquinelli, GP Rigo et al. Gastrointestinal endoscopy and HBV infection: no evidence for a causal relationship. A prospective,controlled study. Gastrointest.Endoscopy 1984; 30: 15-17. 12. .E Villa, G Baldini, S Di Stabile et al. Alcohol and hepatitis B virus infection. Acta Med. Scand. 1985, suppl. 703: 97101. 13. M Hadchouel, J Scotto, E Villa et al. Presence of HBV DNA in spermatozoa. A possible vertical transmission via the germ line. J.Med.Virol. 1985; 16 :61-66. 14. AR Zanetti, P Dentico, E Villa et al. Multicenter trial on the efficacy of HBIG and vaccine in preventing perinatal hepatitis B. J.Med.Virol. 1986; 18: 327-334. 15. A trial group of the EASL (tra gli autori E Villa). Steroids in chronic B hepatitis. A randomized,doubleblind, multinational trial on the effect of low dose, long term treatment on survival. Liver 1986; 6: 227-232. 16. E Villa, G Baldini, C Pasquinelli, F Manenti Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy: HBV virus,alcohol, male sex. Cancer: 1988; 62: 611-615. 17. E Villa, G Baldini, GP Rossini, C Pasquinelli, A Ferrari F Manenti . Ethanol-induced increase in cytosolic estrogen receptors from human male liver: a possible explanation for the biochemical feminization in chronic liver disease due to alcohol. Hepatology, 1988; 8: 16101614. 18. GP Rossini, G Baldini, E Villa, F Manenti . Characterization of estrogen receptor from human liver. Gastroenterology 1989; 96:1102-1109. 19. S Bellentani, G Tabarroni, E Villa et al. Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid treatment on alanine aminotransferase and gammaglutamyltranspeptidase serum levels in patients with hypertransaminasemia. J.Hepatol. 1989; 8: 7-11. 20. C Pasquinelli, M Melegari, E Villa, F.Manenti. Detection of HBV transcripts in patients with chronicliver disease. J.Hepatol. 1990; 10:180-185. 6 21. C Pasquinelli, M Melegari, E Villa et al. HBV DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of acute hepatitis: comparison between southern blot analysis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). J.Med.Virol. 1990; 31:135-140. 22. M Levrero, A Alberti, E Villa et al. Antibodies to HCV in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. J.Hepatol. 1991; 12: 60-63. 23. E Bertolini, P Zermiani, E Villa et al. Lack of association between circulating HCV RNA and antiHCV positivity in primary biliary cirrhosis. Lancet 1991; 1: 675-676. 24. M Levrero, M Stemler, E Villa et al. Significance of anti-HBx antibodies in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Hepatology 1991; 13: 143-149. 25. M Melegari, C Jung, T Santantonio, E Villa , H Will Conserved core protein sequences in hepatitis B virus infected patients without antiHBc. J.Hepatol. 1991; 13: 187-191. 26. E Villa , M Melegari, PP Scaglioni, C Vecchi, M De Palma, I Ferretti, F Manenti . HCV RNA in serum of asymptomatic blood donors involved in post-transfusion hepatitis. J.Hepatol. 1991; 13: 256-259. 27. M Melegari, PP Scaglioni, F Manenti, E Villa Evidence of HBV replication in PBMCs of chronically infected patients.Arch.Virol. 1992 (suppl.4), 46-49 28. MP Corradi, C Tata, P Marchegiano, E Villa , F Manenti Immunogenicity and safety of a recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine produced in mammalian cells and containing the S and pre-S2 sequences.Arch.Virol. 1992 (suppl.4), 147-153 29. .E Bertolini, PM Battezzati, E Villa et al.HCV testing in primary biliary cirrhosis.J.Hepatol. 1992; 15:207-210. 30. .E Sagnelli et al. (fra gli autori E Villa). The epidemiology of hepatitis delta infection in Italy. J.Hepatol 1992; 15:211-215. 31. .T Stroffolini, M Chiaramonte, E Villa et al.A case-control study on the role of HBV and HCV infection in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.J. Hepatol 1992; 16:360-363. 32. E Villa, A Grottola, P Trande, Y Seium, AM Rebecchi, A Dugani, F Manenti .Reactivation of Hepatitis-B Virus Infection Induced by Interferon (IFN) in HBsAg-Positive, AntiHCV-Positive Patients. Lancet 1993; 341: 1413. 33. S Bruno, S Rossi, ML Petroni, E Villa, M Zuin, M Podda. Normal aminotransferase Concentrations in Patients with Antibodies to Hepatitis C Virus. British Medical Journal 1994; 308: 693- 697 34. E Villa, L Camellini, A Dugani, F Zucchi, L Losi*, P Buttafoco, A Grottola, A Merighi, F Manenti. Variant estrogen receptors mRNA species detected in human primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res 1995; 55:498-500 35. E Villa, A Grottola, P Buttafoco, P Trande,F.Manenti. Evidence for hepatitis B virus infection in patients with chronic hepatitis C with and without serological markers of hepatitis B. Dig.Dis Sci 1995; 40:8-13 36. E Villa, A Grottola , P Buttafoco, AL Merighi, C.Vecchi, M De Palma, R Troisi, M.Podda, B.De Hemptinne, F.Manenti. Long term follow-up of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in liver transplant patients. Clinical Transplantation 1995: 9: 160-164 37. E Villa, P Buttafoco, A Merighi, A Grottola, I Ferretti, A Ferrari, F Callea, et al. Selection of more pathogenic HCV genotype II during long-term follow-up of interferon treated patients. Journal of Molecular Medicine 1995; 73: 249-254. 38. E.Villa, A. Dugani, A. A Rebecchi et al. Identification of subjects at risk for colorectal carcinoma through a test with K-ras determination in the stool. Gastroenterology 1996; 110: 1346-1353 39. E.Villa, A. Grottola, P.Buttafoco et al. Alfa but not beta IFN is useful in CAH due to HCV. Dig Dis Sci, 1996; 41:1241-7 40. E.Villa, A. Dugani, E. Fantoni., L. Camellini, P. Buttafoco, A. Grottola, G. Pompei, M. De Santis, A. Ferrari, F. Manenti. Type of estrogen receptor determines response to antiestrogen therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Research, 1996; 56: 3883-3885. 7 41. E Villa. Molecular screening: why haven't we started yet? [editorial]. Am J Gastroenterol. 1997; 92: 2144-6 42. G Sansoe; A Ferrari; E Baraldi; C Grisolia; MC De Santis; E Villa; F Manenti Endogenous dopaminergic activity in Child-Pugh A cirrhosis: potential role in renal sodium handling and in the maintenance of clinical compensation. Eur J Clin Invest. 1998; 28: 131-7 43. Sansoe G; Ferrari A; D'Alimonte P; Trenti T; Zoboli P; Romagnoli R; E Villa; Manenti F Beneficial hemodynamic effects of dipyridamole on portal circulation in cirrhosis. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998 ; 93: 429-33 44. Villa E, Dugani A, Moles A, Camellini L, Grottola A, Buttafoco P, Merighi A, Ferretti I, Esposito P, Miglioli L, Bagni A, Troisi R, De-Hemptinne B, Praet M, Callea F, Manenti F. Variant liver estrogen receptor transcripts already occur at an early stage of chronic liver disease. Hepatology. 1998; 27: 983-8 45. Stroffolini T, Andreone P, Andriulli A, Ascione A, Craxi A, Chiaramonte M, Galante D, Manghisi OG, Mazzanti R, Medaglia C, Pilleri G, Rapaccini GL, Simonetti RG, Taliani G, Tosti ME, Villa E, Gasbarrini G Characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy. J Hepatol. 1998 ; 29: 944-52. 46. Stroffolini T, Andreone P, Andriulli A, Ascione A, Craxi A, Chiaramonte M, Galante D, Manghisi OG, Mazzanti R, Medaglia C, Pilleri G, Rapaccini GL, Albanese M, Taliani G, Tosti ME, Villa E, Gasbarrini G Gross pathologic types of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy. Oncology. 1999; 56:189-92 47. Bull LN, Juijn JA, Liao M, van-Eijk MJ, Sinke RJ, Stricker NL, DeYoung JA, Carlton VE, Baharloo S, Klomp LW, Abukawa D, Barton DE, Bass NM, Bourke B, Drumm B, Jankowska I, Lovisetto P, McQuaid S, Pawlowska J, Tazawa Y, Villa E, Tygstrup N, Berger R, Knisely AS, Freimer NB, et al. Fine-resolution mapping by haplotype evaluation: the examples of PFIC1 and BRIC. Human Genet. 1999; 104: 241-8 48. Villa E, Ferretti I, Buttafoco P, Grottola A et al. Natural history of inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma: estrogen receptor status in the tumor is the strongest prognostic factor for survival. Hepatology, 2000, 32; 233-238. 49. Lerose R., Molinari R, Rocchi E, Manenti F, Villa E. Prognostic features and survival of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy: impact of stage of disease. Eur J Cancer, 2001; 37; 239-245. 50. Villa E, I Ferretti, A Grottola, P Buttafoco et al. Hormonal therapy with Megestrol in inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma characterised by variant estrogen receptors: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial. Br J Cancer 2001; 84: 881-5. 51. Villa E, A Grottola, P Buttafoco, A Colantoni, A Bagni, I Ferretti, C Cremonini, H Bertani, F Manenti. High doses of alpha-interferon are required in chronic hepatitis due to coinfection with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus: long term results of a prospective randomized trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001; 96: 2973-7 52. P M Battezzati, M Zuin, A Crosignani, M Allocca, P Invernizzi, C Selmi, E Villa, M Podda. Ten year combination treatment with colchicine and ursodeoxycholic acid for primary biliary cirrhosis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on symptomatic patients. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2001; 15: 1427-34. 53. Grottola A, Buttafoco P, Del Buono MG…. E. Villa. Pre-transplant pre S2 and S proteins heterogeneity predisposes to Hepatitis B Virus recurrence after liver transplant. Liver Transplantation, 2002; 8: 443-448 54. E Villa, Grottola Antonella, Colantoni Alessandra, De Maria Nicola, Buttafoco Paola, AnnHepatocellular carcinoma: role of estrogen receptors in the liver. N Y Acad Sci. 2002; 963: 3745. 55. Sansoe Giovanni, Ferrari Alberto, Castellana Carmen Nives, Bonardi Lorenzo, Villa E, Manenti Federico. Cimetidine administration and tubular creatinine secretion in patients with compensated cirrhosis. Clin Sci (Lond). 2002; 102: 91-8. 8 56. Colantoni Alessandra, Emanuele Mary, Kovacs Elizabeth, Villa E, Van Thiel David Hepatic estrogen receptors and alcohol intake Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002; 193: 101. 57. De Maria Nicola, Manno Mauro, Villa E. Sex hormones and liver cancer. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002, 193: 59. 58. Villa E , Colantoni Alessandra, Grottola Antonella, Ferretti Ilva, Buttafoco Paola, Bertani Helga, De Maria Nicola, Manenti Federico Variant estrogen receptors and their role in liver disease. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002; 193: 65. 59. Lei Barbara, Roncaglia Vera, Vigano Raffaella , Cremonini Claudia, De Maria Nicola, Del Buono Maria, Manenti Federico, Villa E. Phytoestrogens and liver disease. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002; 193: 8160. Farinati Fabio, Cardin R , Bortolami M, Grottola A, Manno M, Colantoni A, Villa E. Estrogens receptors and oxidative damage in the liver. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002; 193: 85. 61. Cobellis L, Reis FM, Driul L, Vultaggio G, Ferretti I, Villa E, Petraglia F. Estrogen receptor alpha mRNA variant lacking exon 5 is co-expressed with the wild-type in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2002; 102:92-5. 62. Villa E, Boarino V, Grottola A, Gelmini R, Lama N. Predominance of PreS1 mutated hepatitis B virus in a patient following treatment with adefovir dipivoxil. Liver Transplantationj 2002: 8,: 443-448; 63. Bertani H, Gelmini R, Del Buono M, De Maria N, Girardis M, Villa E. Literature overview on artificial liver support in fulminant hepatic failure: a methodological approach. J Artificial Organs 2002; 25:903-10. 64. Villa E, Colantoni A, Cammà C, Grottola A, Gelmini R. Estrogen receptor classification for HCC: Comparison with clinical staging systems. Journal of Clinical Oncology 21; 441-446, 2003. 65. Chironna M, Grottola A, Lanave C, Villa E, Barbuti S, Quarto M. Genetic analysis of HAV strains recovered from patients with acute hepatitis from Southern Italy.. J Med Virol. 2003; 70:343-9. 66. Manno M, Camma C, Schepis F, Bassi F, Gelmini R, Giannini F, Miselli F, A Grottola A, Ferretti I, Vecchi C, De Palma M, Villa E. Natural history of chronic HBV carriers in northern Italy: morbidity and mortality after 30 years. Gastroenterology. 2004;127:756-63. 67. Bertani H, Pinna AD, Di Benedetto F, Quintini C, Miller C, Villa E. Hepatic allograft salvage with early doppler ultrasound diagnosis of acute vena cava thrombosis. Abdom Imaging. 2004;29:606-8. 68. Klomp LW, Vargas JC… Vilal E, Bull LB Characterization of mutations in ATP8B1 associated with hereditary cholestasis. Hepatology 2004; 40: 27-38 69. Pollicino T, Squadrito G, Cerenzia G, Cacciola I, Raffa G, Crax A, Farinati F, Missale G, Smedile A, Tiribelli C, Villa E, Raimondo G. Hepatitis B virus maintains its pro-oncogenic properties in the case of occult HBV infection. Gastroenterology. 2004;126:102-10. 2004;29:606-8. 70. Di Benedetto F., Lauro A., Masetti M., ............, , Villa E., Pinna A.D.. Outcomes after adult isolated small bowel transplantation: experience from a single European centre. DDL 2005; 37; 240-246 71. Girardis M, Marietta M, Busani S, Codeluppi M, Villa E, Pasetto A. Rectal amputation sparing by haemostatic therapy with recombinant factor VIIa in a patient with cytomegalovirus-related colitis. Thromb Haemost. 2006; 95:579-80. 9