Data/hora: 02/06/2017 05:40:21 Provedor de dados: 21 País: Germany Título: INTERVEG - Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops - vegetables intercropping (Final report, Project Deliverable 1.1b) Autores: Canali, Stefano. Data: 2015-08 Ano: 2015 Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Technology assessment; Soil; Vegetables. Resumo: The final report of the INTERVEG project provide a detailed description of project activities and a summary of the results achieved by the project between 2011 and 2015. For further detail on scientific results the deliverables of the project and the scientific publications developed within the project framework are available on this database. Tipo: Report Identificador: Canali, Stefano (2015) INTERVEG - Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops - vegetables intercropping (Final report, Project Deliverable 1.1b). Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Italy, Rome, Centro per lo studio delle relazioni tra pianta e suolo. Relação: Formato: application/pdf