Comunicato Stampa 19-12-2014 Protocollo Fondo Greco CDLF

annuncio pubblicitario
Consignment Deposits &
Loans Fund
Joint Press Release
CDP: sottoscritto un protocollo di cooperazione col fondo Greco CDLF / CDLF
and CDP sign a Protocol of Cooperation
Atene, 19 dicembre 2014 - Cassa depositi e prestiti (CDP) e il Fondo Greco
Consignment Deposits and Loans (CDLF) hanno sottoscritto oggi ad Atene un
protocollo di cooperazione.
CDLF è un’ istituzione finanziaria, posseduta interamente dallo stato greco. Con asset
di valore superiore agli 8 miliardi di euro, agisce su due direttrici principali: il
rafforzamento dello sviluppo locale e regionale, e la custodia esclusiva di tutte le
tipologie di depositi a garanzia, sia giudiziali che cauzionali, previsti dalla legge. Il
Fondo è il partner principale e la più importante fonte di finanziamento degli enti locali
greci nel corso dell’attuale crisi economica.
Con la sottoscrizione, i due istituti si impegnano a:
condividere informazioni e conoscenze sulle condizioni e gli sviluppi del quadro
economico, finanziario e politico nei rispettivi paesi;
organizzare incontri, tavole rotonde, seminari e workshop finalizzati a una
maggiore conoscenza delle rispettive tipologie di business e prodotti;
cofinanziare progetti di comune interesse, comprese infrastrutture ad alta
efficienza energetica, infrastrutture in ambito culturale e turistico, progetti di
miglioramento ambientale, sviluppo urbano e pubblica utilità;
programmi di scambio del personale al fine di favorire lo sviluppo della
collaborazione fra i due istituti.
Il vice ministro delle finanze con la delega alla supervisione del CDLF, Christos
Staikouras, ha presenziato alla cerimonia di firma del protocollo.
Franco Bassanini, Presidente della Cassa Depositi e Prestiti , ha sottolineato che "In
Europa le National Promotional Banks, come CDP e CDLF, hanno un ruolo cruciale
nello svolgere un’azione anticiclica, sia attraverso l’immissione di risorse addizionali
internazionali. Per Bassanini, "la cooperazione tra queste istituzioni, recentemente
garantendo all’Europa gli investimenti di lungo periodo necessari a far ripartire le
Consignment Deposits and Loans guarda con molto interesse, e si attende ottimi
risultati dalla collaborazione con Cassa depositi e prestiti. La cooperazione, lo scambio
di competenze e know how, e il cofinanziamento di progetti comuni con una realtà di
tali dimensioni, permetterà al CDLF di contribuire allo sviluppo economico locale,
regionale e dell’intero paese”. Kritikos si è poi detto certo che questa cooperazione che porterà a breve i suoi frutti - sarà rafforzata ulteriormente in futuro.
(English version)
Athens, 19 December 2014 - A Protocol of Cooperation was signed today December
19th 2014 in Athens between Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and the Consignment
Deposits and Loans Fund (CDLF).
CDP is the largest development financial institution in Italy with assets over 300 billion
and is 80% owned by the Italian State. It has long been the leader in financing the
investments of public entities and acts as a catalyst for the development of
infrastructure and key player in supporting the Italian economic growth.
The CDLF is an autonomous financial institution and a Legal Entity of Public Law, it
belongs 100% to the Greek State. It has assets of more than 8 billion euro. The two
main pillars of its activity are, on one side the strengthening of local and regional
development and on the other the exclusive custody of all types of consignments. It
was and remains a basic partner of the local authorities and the main source of their
funding during the crisis.
According to the signed Protocol of Cooperation, the two institutions undertake the
promotion of:
information and knowledge sharing on economic, financial and policy conditions
and developments in their respective countries;
organization of delegation visits, round-tables, seminars and workshops to
foster a closer understanding of their respective business environments and
particular products;
co-financing of cross-border projects of common interest, including energy
efficiency infrastructures, environmental improvement, cultural and tourism
infrastructure, urban development projects and public benefit projects;
staff exchanges in order to support and further develop the collaboration
between the two institutions.
The Alternate Minister of Finance supervising the CDLF, Mr. Christos Staikouras was
also present at the signing of the Protocol.
Franco Bassanini, president of CDP, stressed that "in Europe, the revival of
investments is crucial to growth recovery and the long-term sustainability of public
finances. National Promotional Banks, like CDP and CDLF, have a decisive role in the
long-term financing of infrastructure and industrial investments which can attract
private and international "anchor investors.”
Just as crucial is their anti-cyclical
activity in support of small and medium-sized enterprises." For Bassanini, "cooperation
between these institutions, recently encouraged by Ecofin, will complement and
strengthen the activities of the EIB in the concrete implementation of the Juncker
Plan, particularly for countries of southern Europe. "
From his part, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Consignment Deposits
and Loans Fund, Alexandros Kritikos, underlined: “The Consignment Deposits and
Loans Fund looks forward with great interest to this cooperation with Cassa Depositi e
Prestiti and expects to gain much from it. The cooperation, the transfer of know-how
and experience and the undertaking of joint-actions with an organization of such size
will enhance significantly the ability of the Consignment Deposits and Loans Fund to
contribute to the local, regional and more generally to the economic development of
our country” and expressed his certainty that this cooperation will soon bear fruit and
will be further strengthened in the future.
Further information for journalists:
CDP Press Office:
Tel. (+ 39) 064221.4440/2435/2531/4128
[email protected] -
Tel. (+ 30) 2132116450
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