Internationl Conference on Migration and Welfare Thrusday, May 11th - Bianchi Bandinelli Room h. 9.00 - 09.30 Welcome address h. 9.30 - 13.30 Developing New Welfare Policies in the Presence of Immigration keynote speakers - A. Razin (Cornell University), H. Rapoport (PSE) Parallel Sessions h. 14.30 - 19.00 Migration, Social Preferences and Civil Rights Parallel Sessions Friday, May 12th - Graduation Room h. 9.00 - 13.30 Migration, Education and Labour Policies keynote speaker - C. Dustmann (University College London) Parallel Sessions h. 14.15 - 17.15 Fundamental Rights and Social Protection. A Law Perspective invited speakers C. Corsi (University of Florence), M. Benvenuti (Sapienza University of Rome) Papers Discussion Coordinated by: L. Ronchetti (CNR - ISSiRFA) and A. Ciervo (ASGI) Round table organized by Etica e Economia h. 17.30 Accogliere e Integrare: Politiche e Pratiche dell’Immigrazione Coordinator: S. Lucciarini (Etica e Economia) A. Barbieri (Medu), K. Chaouki (Intergurppo Parlamentare Immigrazione e Cittadinanza), A. Ciervo (ASGI) F. Pastore (FIERI), F. Pittau (IDOS), R. Viviani (Baobab Experience) CIRET - Center for Interuniversity Research “Ezio Tarantelli” Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Rome For a detailed programme see: