FOSS Relational Database and GeoDatabase Part I Marco Ciolli, Fabio Zottele Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Universita' degli Studi di Trento Marco Ciolli, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Definitions RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System): is a data management system based on relational model (Edgard F. Codd1) and then Peter in 1976. Data are atomized in little particles and tied with relations as it happens with the concept of set theory in mathematic. • Data are presented to the user as relations (tables): a collectio of tables each one is composed by rows and columns • Funcions and operators are provided to manage data in table format non relational DBMS based on hierarchic model exist. RDBMS are today the most used DBMS, but still a standard defining the meaning of "relational" referring to database does not exist. 1 ”A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”,1970 Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Relational model In relational database, data are represented as relations: data are managed with relational algebra operators. The domain or data type is the set of value that a certain attribute can assume. A tuple is the non ordered set of the attribute value. therefore: • The table is the accepted graphic representation to represent the relation; • All informmation are values inserted into relations (tables) • a relational database is the set of relations that contain values; the result of any query can be represented as a relation (tables). Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Relational model Data type: vales of the same sort (integer, string, date, true/false...). Type name: string that identifies the tipe (int, char, date, boolean...). Field: the term that indicates column. Relation: its graphic representation is the table. Record: indicates the row. Value (of an attribute): is the value of a cell identified by a specific couple row-column as for example "Mario Rossi" or "2006". Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Relational model The structure of a table is specified ad a column list, each one has a unique name and a domain, that is a set of accepted values. CREATE TABLE films ( code char(5), title varchar(40) NOT NULL, did integer NOT NULL, date_prod date, kind varchar(10), len interval hour to minute ); Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Constraints Constraints affect the values that aparticular kind of data can assume. The same domain can be seen both as a constraint and as definition of the relation. Primary key is useful to identify rows and tables. It can be specified once for each table and one or more attributes acan be selected as primary key. CREATE TABLE laghi ( gid serial NOT NULL, tronco varchar(3), rasta varchar(10), rtronco varchar(13), the_geom geometry, CONSTRAINT laghi_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR the_geom IS NULL), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 26591) ) WITHOUT OIDS; ALTER TABLE laghi OWNER TO gis; -- Index: laghi_the_geom_gist -- DROP INDEX laghi_the_geom_gist; CREATE INDEX laghi_the_geom_gist ON laghi USING gist (the_geom); Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Relational model: constraints the tuple constraint is a constraint that affect each tuple and may restict the attribute (NOT NULL or DEFAULT). FLUSSI VELOCITÀ TEMPERATURA data tipo_giorno id_s trada flusso_h0_1 . . . flusso_h23_0 lunghezza data tipo_giorno id_s trada velocità_h0_1 . . . velocità_h23_0 data temp_h0_1 . . . temp_h23_0 SUDDIVISIONE PARCO id_strada clas se numero_veicoli percentuale STRADE id_s trada id_utopia nome_strada lunghezza CLASSICOPERT clas s e id_com bustibile codice_settore classificazione_copert tipo_legislativo_veicolo tipo_uso_veicolo periodo codice_canister frazione_ie fattore_evaporativo COMBUSTIBILI id_com bus tibile nome_combustibile id_s tagione nome_stagione frazione_s rhc rvp COSTANTI ltrip coeff _1 . . . coeff _5 INQUINANTI id_inquinante nome_inquinante un_misura_1 un_misura_2 un_misura_3 COEFFCALDO COEFFFREDDO id_inquinante clas s e coeff_1 . . . coeff_30 id_inquinante clas se bcorr coeff_1 . . . coeff_31 Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Index Index is a data structure that betters speed and operation of relational search and query. One ore more columns can be used to create indexes. Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione SQL SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language used to access and maange data in (R)DBMS, to create and modify database struture and to guarantee the access to the objects contained in a (R)DBMS. Even if SQL is an ANSI and ISO standard, many database supports language extensions, that is dialects. Present standard is SQL:2008 The most common operation in SQL is query: by means of SELECT operator data are extracted from one ore more relations (JOIN). The command does not have permanent effects on data (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE). Transactions are repeated queries that must be executed as a group. Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione Relational model: ACID ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability: • atomicity: transaction cannot be divided, it must be completely executed or not executed at all; • consistency: when a transaction begins the database must be in a consistent state and when transaction ends the database must be in a consistent state, that is it must not violate integrity rules, and inconsistency (contradicting informations) in DB must be absent; • isolation: each transaction must be executed independently from other transactions, the failure of a transaction must not interfere with other transactions executed in the very same time; • durability: so called also persistency, it refers to the fact that once a transaction has requested a commit work, the change must persist. To avoid that during the time that DB prepares modifications and the time that DB writes modifications data lost may occur due to malfunctions log register are written where all DB operations are registered. Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione dBASE SQLite Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione MICROSOFT SQLServer Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione MySQL Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione PostgreSQL Database relazionali FOSS e GeoDatabase Introduzione ORACLE