
annuncio pubblicitario
Curricuiurn Vitae
Gabriele Capannini
Q Idrottsvägen, 20, SE-70232 Örebro (Sweden)
E +39 3931739729
M gabrieleoagannini@gmaìl.oçi†|_
Sex Male ilbzlle oibiriii O8/O2/1977 | Nallonaiily italian
Assegno Post Doc per lo svolgimento di attività cii ricerca neil'ambito
dei progetti MIDAS e inGeoCiouds.
Project Assistant
Chalmers University ofTechn0i0gy
2, Maskingränd SE-41258 Gothenburg (Sweden)
The research activity has locused on development el now algortlhms lor elructure discovery in
multiple graphs having common nude sei o.g. Linkedln. Facebook and Twitter friend narworlta tor
Chalmers ernployaas. We have developed scaiable algcrilhms vvilh rigorous theoretical guamnteea as
part ol this work. Current work in lille area is focused cin cleveioprneril ol' new methods lor correlalion
clusllring. My contrlbi..-lion in this preieci has been l:l1a smdy of lho cluster structure of a Wikipediabesed term slrriilaniy graph wllh the goal le improve amomaiic text summerizalìon. in particular, a
knowledge-based. uneupewlaerl, and el cleni approach lor ldenlllylng relevant lnicnnallcn and
dlsearding documents which ara nel peninanl lo the user needs problem. The tool uses Wikipedia le
cluster terme based on aerriantic etrnilariiy and then coherenceldhrerslilcallon techniques ere applied
lio generale the summary. '11-irelocl already shows improvements over stele of the an systems. in the
future, the tool will be used to create a 'dashboard' surrimary ai news lnilored lor e particular need, lor
example for employees ai an enterprise.
Businees or sector Data & IT
20/06/2008 - 13/09/2011
Titolare di Assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca (BANDO AR 12/08
PROT. 1440 DEL 20/06/2008).
istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie deiiinformazione "A. Faedo" - CNR Pisa
W: G. Moruzzinl iT-56124 Pisa (italy)
Now generation of microprocessore aims al lnoorpofallng an ever-lncrearring number oi “corn-rs* on the
sanre chip, ocrnpmrnlslrig single-cure performance In iavor ei the total amount ol work done across
rnuiliplo threads of oxeaiüon. Among ho most evldeni examples of ihls ph:-snornenon. there ma lhe
inaseively. data-parallel processing unlls used in graphics appiicatlons lo accelerata the rendering oi
the images lo display: The ral generation ol such devices were desgned lo support specilir: francilunclton pipelines bui. in the ioal dccades. they have become Increoslnglv prograrnniotilu so that
nowudays GPUs can be used lor applications that am tr-adilionally handled by normal CPUs The
reasons of using those processore in lilçh-períorrnanoc general-purpose oompulnlions are: raw
computing power. good przriormuncc per wall. or low cost in general. in spille ol the nurnrrroua benefits
provided hy those arcliltaclures. there am come obslnclea lhel deler u wldor explollnlion ei the-:so
rcmurces. One major lssuu concerns the halerogermous and distributed nalure oi the n1P.r1'iorv
hlererchy chamrmrizlng ali parallel arrhilectlrrea In general. As a conrrequenen, the speedup lor sonic
applications depends on being alito to eflicientiy accesa the data se that all come con work al lho
same lime, Thle sluriy intmducas and dilnsusaes the chaiaulerlsüca and the lssues ol the memory
syalmna on GPUs. and similar archlteclures. As si result I have defined a mc-dal that capluros and
clwracterizes lho oomplelrity ol the aigonllirns when performed on GPUS, Moreovor two examples cl
techniques lor linproving lho olllclancy oi lho memory access have been proposed. Such lochriiqurerr.
Fiam 1